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1 Jun 2020

Costs of Cosmetic Surgery

The costs of cosmetic surgery can be the biggest barrier to achieving your goals. Fees charged by different practices will vary widely, and not always for reasons of quality.  Even within a practice, the fee for a specific procedure will vary between patients.  Complexity and scale of procedures can vary widely between patients Patient characteristics (e.g. health problems requiring hospital surgery) may influence the costs. How to lower the costs of your surgery? If procedures can be safely combined (e.g. breast and abdominal), there is often a savings of $1-2,000 because you are only paying for one trip to the operating room. A patient who has had previous surgery in…

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Should I Remove My Breast Implants?

Concerns about Breast Implant Illness (BII) are driving some women to consider removal of their breast implants. Research to this point does not support the existence of BII. Nevertheless, many…

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Weight gain after liposuction- What?!

One of the dirty secrets of plastic surgery is that liposuction can contribute to ……..weight gain! Wait! Before you cancel your surgery, take a moment to understand why this can…

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The Face of Evil

Numerous studies have proven that we do ‘judge a book by its cover’, and if your cover (appearance) is flawed, you can expect to be at a disadvantage everywhere from…

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How to recover from botched Cosmetic Surgery

Manage your emotions Bad results from cosmetic surgery can trigger emotions that are often counter-productive to your recovery. You might blame yourself and be too ashamed to seek help. You…

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How to avoid botched Cosmetic Surgery

Most cosmetic surgery results in a happy experience and rewarding results, but you can further improve your odds by checking off as many items as possible on the following list:…

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Can a facelift tighten sagging jowls?

Yes, correction of sagging jowls is the most obvious improvement seen with facelift surgery.

Do you need fillers after a facelift?

Fillers are not necessary after a facelift, but can be used in the many areas that are not corrected by facelift surgery. They are generally more effective after a facelift because the skin tone has been improved by the surgery. This means the filler can be used specifically to correct volume defecits rather than lift sagging tissues.

What is the best age for a facelift?

The optimal age range is around 45-55, as you want to perserve what you have already without having an immediate and drastic change that everyone will notice.

When will the swelling after a facelift go down?

Swelling can be seen for about 10 days after a facelift. It remains for weeks after surgery but this may actually be agreeable in its effect as it fills out the face hiding loose skin or volume defecits.

Can a facelift help with acne scars?

Acne scars can appear deeper when facial skin ages, and a facelift can restore normal tone that better hides contour irregularities from acne.

What is a partial facelift?

"Facelift" is a generic word that generally implies an operation in which extra skin is removed and the remaining skin is lifted. Every surgeon does the operation a bit differently, and the operation should be tailored to the needs of the patient. Words like 'partial', 'mini', or 'lunch-time' are often a clue that the operation is shortened and focused on quick-recovery rather than profound and durable results. It's less invasive but wouldn't necessarily cover the extent a full face lift would.

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