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Why take the risk?
It is not unusual for patients to present to our practice with problems for which cosmetic surgery is an ideal solution, but they hesitate to proceed with a procedure for fear of the tiny risk of a bad outcome. Everyone has a different way of approaching risk, but it is vital that you consider the risk of inaction, and not just the risk of action. The risk of inaction? Let’s say it’s a face lift you are considering. Without the face lift, you are judged (unfairly) to be too tired for that promotion at work, your appearance and diminished feelings of attractiveness interfere with your personal relationships, and you become depressed by the…
“I want to be more beautiful???
Some patients come to see us with a specific procedure in mind. Sometimes, they are more open-minded, and come looking for advice on how to become more attractive. Science has the answer (sort of)! The study of attractiveness is an area of great scholarship, not surprising given how powerful an influence it has on our lives. Although there are common themes for men and women, the summary below is specific to female attractiveness. Please remember, science tells us how it is, not how we might want it to be. Much of our subconscious perception of female beauty is linked to our perception of reproductive health, as evidenced by the appearance…

Plastic Surgery Gone Bad
caption=”(artist Jason Laurits-used with permission)”] If you have seen a reputable surgeon and not been offered surgery, the solution isn’t to keep searching until you find someone to take on your case. Eventually you will find someone hungry or adventurous enough to give it a go, and that is not a good criteria for finding a surgeon. Choosing a surgeon because they can accommodate your impulse decision for surgery next week is also a bad idea. Another source of problems is the pursuit of perfection: a result that is 95% perfect should be left alone, unless your surgeon feels very confident in doing a revision. Bad results stand out, good…
Beauty is more than skin deep
Countless studies have proven what we all know intuitively- there are advantages to being attractive. This can arise from better work or social opportunities, or simply from greater self-esteem. We are asking our former patients to share stories (submit in comment box below) that demonstrate the secondary benefits of their procedure(s), and ‘best story’ will win a prize to be announced December 2012! About Dr. Michael Kreidstein Dr. Michael Kreidstein is expert in cosmetic surgery and performs breast implant, skin resurfacing, tummy tuck, facelift Toronto, nasal, facial rejuvenation surgery and liposuction surgery.
‘Can I talk to one of your former patients?’- Why testimonials...
Occassionally a patient is wavering on proceeding with surgery and wants to speak with a former patient to help them decide. This is not a problem for us, but we must point out how unproductive this maneuver is in determining the quality of a practice, or what to expect in the post-operative period. Fact: We are most likely to put you in touch with a very happy patient, so you are unlikely to learn anything about the average experience of our patients. Fact: This patient can speak knowledgably about her personal experience, but not about our last 20 patients who had that procedure. If anything, her testimony may be unintentionally…
“I’m not happy, Doctor???
“I’m not happy, Doctor??? No Plastic Surgeon wants to hear this from a patient, but it is inevitable that a small percentage of the thousands of patients we see would be unhappy. How a practice responds to complaints may well distinguish a great practice from a good one. Why are patients unhappy? Surprisingly, it most often arises from good outcomes, as bad outcomes are thankfully quite rare. Examples (from our practice): 1. Patient seeks a more youthful appearance and facelift is recommended. Doesn’t want surgery, only injectables, despite warning that injectables like Botox and Juvederm are limited in their effect. Patient returns 3 weeks following injections, unhappy with modest effect…