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Anterior Neck Lift Option for Facelift Surgery Scars
Scars after facelift surgery can sometimes be conspicuous, and this would be a particular problem with little or no hair to provide coverage of the scars. A popular option in this case is the anterior neck lift, which puts all the scars in the skin creases at the front of the neck. Although these scars may be visible, they are not recognizable as cosmetic surgery scars and may be preferred to the typical facelift scars around the ears.
Consultation fees for Cosmetic Surgery
Why should you see a surgeon who charges a consultation fee when some surgeons give free consultations? Your consultation is the most important step in having a successful surgery experience. If you see a surgeon who doesn’t charge a consultation fee, the consultation becomes primarily a screening process for finding candidates for plastic surgery Toronto. As a result, if you are not someone who is a good candidate, you can count on a quick ending to your consultation. More importantly, the surgeon may become financially biased towards talking you (and himself) into your suitability for surgery, and receives no reward for reassuring you that surgery is unnecessary, or advising you…